
From libsimdpp-docs
template< unsigned N, class E1, class E2 >
Ret<N*2> combine( const Vec1<N,E1>& a, const Vec2<N,E2>& b );

Combines two vectors into one vector twice as wide. The implementation behaves as if the following set of overloads is provided:

Ret Vec1 Vec2
int8 int8 int8
uint8 uint8 int8
int16 int16 int16
uint16 uint16 uint16
int32 int32 int32
uint32 uint32 uint32
int64 int64 int64
uint64 uint64 uint64
float32 float32 float32
float64 float64 float64


a, b - vectors to combine

Return value[edit]

A twice as wide vector

Equivalent operation[edit]

r0 = a0
rM = aM
r{M+1} = b0
r{M+M} = bM

See also[edit]