
From libsimdpp-docs
< fp
template<unsigned N, class E>
Ret<N, _DETAIL_> rsqrt_e( Vec<N,E> a );

Computes approximate reciprocal square root. The implementation behaves as if the following set of overloads is provided:

Ret Vec
float32 float32
float64 float64

The precision depends on platform:

  • 1/2 ULP for NULL and NEON
  • ~1/2730 for SSE2
  • 1/16376 for AVX512F
  • 1/4096 for ALTIVEC
  • 1/256 for NEON_FLT_SP


a - floating-point vector

Return value[edit]

A vector expression evaluating to approx(1/sqrt(a)).

Equivalent operation[edit]

r0 = approx(1 / sqrt(a0))
rN = approx(1 / sqrt(aN))

See also[edit]