
< fp
template<unsigned N, class E1, class E2>
Ret<N, _DETAIL_> min( Vec1<N,E1> a, Vec2<N,E2> b );

Computes the minimum of the values in two floating-point values. The implementation behaves as if the following set of overloads is provided:

Ret Vec1 Vec2
float32 float32 float32
float64 float64 float64

The return type is a vector expression.

For each pair of values being processed: if at least one of the values is NaN, or both values are zeroes, it is unspecified which value will be returned.


Scalar arguments

Several additional overloads are provided to implement implicit conversions from scalar types. Values of the following types are accepted as the first or the second argument: int32_t, int64_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, float, double. Each element of the expanded vector is set to the source value, converting it using standard conversions if needed.

The return type is a vector expression. The vector type is the same as the vector argument except that masks are unmasked to respective non-mask vector types.


a, b - floating-point vectors

Return value

A vector expression evaluating to min(a, b).

Equivalent operation

r0 = a0 < b0 ? a0 : b0
rN = aN < bN ? aN : bN

See also