libsimdpp  1.0
libsimdpp Documentation

libsimdpp is a portable header-only zero-overhead C++ wrapper around single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) intrinsics found in many compilers. The library presents a single interface over several instruction sets. In addition to that, the library allows to compile the same source code for different instruction sets and seamlessly hook the implementations to an internal dynamic dispatch mechanism.

The library resolves differences between instruction sets by implementing the missing functionality as a combination of several intrinsics. Moreover, the library supplies a lot of additional, commonly used functionality, such as various variants of matrix transpositions, interleaving loads/stores, optimized compile-time shuffling instructions, etc. Each of these are implemented in the most efficient manner for the target instruction set.

The library sits somewhere in the middle between programming directly in intrinsics and even higher-level SIMD libraries. As much control as possible is given to the developer, so that it's possible to exactly predict what code the compiler will generate.


The documentation is not complete at the moment.